Friday, September 20, 2013


September 20, 2013

"I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in". - John Muir

I had no idea that having my post up "shortly" would mean 5 days later. Oops! Thank goodness for zero deadlines! Anyway, I just wanted to share some of the photos & memories of our camping trip last weekend. It truly was a 'getaway'.

We arrived late Friday night & had just enough time to scarf down some dinner & set up camp. A driver with an extreme lack of sleep, 2 restless children & a travel-weary 8-month old called for an early bedtime. We called it a night! Or at least I did. I had been looking forward to go camping to see the incredible starry night sky, among other things, but I knew I would have another chance, so I went to sleep, nursing the babe, dreaming of gazing up at the stars the next evening.

I had been worried that it would be too cold for Baby Saige, considering we had not yet  bought a proper winter bunting for her. However, by bringing plenty of layers & using Audrey's fleece bunting from many years ago we did just fine. As you can see, she was pretty snug. Not to mention the warmth she received from having Mommy next to her, in a sleeping bag. Talk about cozy! The kiddos didn't seem to mind the cold once we arrived at the campground, until I was woken up by my boy in the wee hours of the morning complaining that he was 'freezing'. Ha! Cy remedied that by zipping him up all the way to his chin inside his sleeping bag. Other than that, it was a good night.

This was not our first time camping. We were invited to join another family last year on their annual camp-out. We loved it so much that we decided to go another year. Maybe it would become tradition for us as well. Of course, last year, the littlest was still incubating in her cocoon, so I guess you could say I was coasting compared to this year, but I didn't mind too much. We were out! In the great outdoors! A change in scenery is always a great way to lift your spirits if you feel like you're in a funk.

Isn't the lake just gorgeous? I could stare at it forever. This picture was taken at dusk. That sky is just amazing!

The next day we were up early & after breakfast, Cy helped the boys gear up for a morning of fishing. (photo by Sterwin Tan).

Our day was filled with fishing, biking (for those who brought them), walking along the lake, wading in the stream & generally discovering the campground & its surroundings. Uncle Nono brought a brand new raft which he debuted for the for the first time much to the delight of the little ones, & also the other 'big kids'. (Photos by Sterwin Tan).

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the kids as they played together, completely untethered from all their electronic devices. They ran around, played good old tag, hide-and-go-seek, hopped, skipped, jumped, and climbed! They did basically what every child should have the freedom and opportunity to do. Every. Day.

One very proud 'mama moment' was towards the end of our stay when Isaiah came bounding up to me to tell me that he had-finally-learned how to ride a bike! Without training wheels! I was ecstatic! It is just one of those things where you feel even more excitement than your own child. Well, almost. Audrey Girl learned to ride as well, despite the fact that she had already been riding on her own bike, only now she no longer needed training wheels. Hallelujah!

Much of my time was spent either holding , feeding, or nursing Saige to sleep. I am extremely grateful to my girlfriend Trisha for the maya wrap she handed down to us as it came in very handy, as all baby carriers do, especially when one is camping. And although my hands were 'always full', I was able to witness the thrill she experienced upon realizing that we were in a different place. I loved how she kept looking around her and listening to her 'ooh' and 'ahh' at the tallness of the trees, the sound of the different birds and animals, and most of all how completely entranced she was with the glow of the campfire. Who wasn't?!

Although I did get the chance to steal away for a brisk bike ride during one of Saige's longer naps, thanks to our Aunt who offered to keep an eye on her. It's funny how much more I tend to appreciate the simplest and shortest amounts of time alone since becoming a mom. Of course I would say that after the fact! Isn't that what usually ends up happening? In any case, I am more grateful, to say the least.

More pictures of the lake at dusk! It reminds me a little of the Northern Lights, something that is on the top three of my Ultimate Life Bucket List, which will probably be on another post! 

Anyway, I got to break in my new Nike trail running shoes! Yay!! No actual trail running was involved this time, but hopefully in the near future. The next few pictures were taken on our last morning, in spite of ZERO sleep from an incredibly fitful night with Baby Saige. I was just relieved that we were going home. I guess during this stage, you can only have so much of the camping experience. I say that only because she's so young and it's mostly just a lot of 'work', even when you are supposed to be relaxing. 

And here is a panoramic video of the lake at about 7 a.m.

Packing up and getting ready to leave..

A little ride with Uncle Kyle on his board..

And the whole crew, together! We're so happy to be a part of this group! Thankful for the invite last year.

On our way home, Cy decided to stop by the Red Cliffs. It made for a great photo op! 

I can still remember the smell of the campfire in my hair, on my clothes and body when we got home on Sunday night. We managed to get the kids changed, showered and put to bed in spite of being completely exhausted. It was the good kind of tired, though. It was refreshing and it gave me a sense of renewal. Yes, within just 2 and a half days. 

We hope to instill a love of the outdoors in our kids and hope that they, too will remember and cherish these times together. We are looking forward to going again, next year!

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